20120630 - Assisted-GPS reliability

[<Normal page] [PEREZGONZALEZ Jose D (2010). Assisted-GPS reliability. Aeroscience (ISSN 2324-4399), 2012, page 37.]


The reliability of the iPhone's GPS tracking feature was assessed empirically by Perezgonzalez in 20101. The research used an iPhone and a specialized tracking device (Spidertracks) on the same training flight. At the end of the flight, the data collected by both technologies were compared. More specifically, data regarding four flight parameters were correlated to assess the tracking variability of the two technologies. The results obtained (shown in the table below) indicate that the iPhone tracked the four flight parameters as well as the specialized tracking device did.

Table 1. Variability assessment
flight parameter Pearson coefficient significance
Latitude 0.991 p < 0.000
Longitude 0.997 p < 0.000
Altitude 0.990 p < 0.000
Speed 0.927 p < 0.000
1. PEREZGONZALEZ Jose D (2010). Reliability analysis of assisted-GPS technologies for post-flight analysis. Aviation Education and Research Proceedings, volume 2010, pages 53-54. ISSN 1176-0729.

Want to know more?

Perezgonzalez's (2010) article
The original article can be found under the "2010 Symposium Proceedings" tab, as PEREZGONZALEZ Jose D (2010). Reliability analysis of assisted-GPS technologies for post-flight analysis. Aviation Education and Research Proceedings, volume 2010, pages 53-54. ISSN 1176-0729.


Jose D PEREZGONZALEZ (2010). School of Aviation, Massey University, New Zealand (JDPerezgonzalezJDPerezgonzalez).


Stuart ANDERSON (2010). School of Aviation, Massey University, New Zealand (stuartandersonstuartanderson).
Anthony FRYER (2010). School of Aviation, Massey University, New Zealand (Anthony FryerAnthony Fryer).

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