[In behalf of Anonymous user, originally posted on 21 Oct 2008]
As it happens sometime when in the PM Circuit the runway changes. I was in the circuit one of these times and was told to climb straight ahead (07), look for traffic orbiting to the south and follow that traffic that was going to join 25. I was number 4 and the traffic that I was to follow was number 2 (I didn’t hear that that aircraft was number 2 and assumed it to be number 3 as I was to follow it). This traffic I was following was short finals and I was left base 25. I called tower to confirm that I was to still follow that traffic. Tower replied "negative turn right turn right …". Once an immediate right turn I could see a Seneca that was on right base for 25. We were flying directly towards each other hence tower repeating the instruction.
If I did not check with tower a more serious incident would have occurred.