[In behalf of Anonymous user, originally posted on 20 Oct 2008]
I was night flying in the PM circuit with tower still on watch when I was instructed to make a full stop on the runway due wake turbulence. I made a standard landing (65kts with 3 stages of flap). I was then cleared for takeoff and proceeded with a standard takeoff roll, but noticed that the aircraft became airborne at a slower than normal airspeed and felt very unstable. I then noticed that my rate of climb was very low and became concerned about the aircraft's performance and prepared for the possibility of an emergency landing on the remaining runway. I did a quick FMI check (including carb heat) and on checking quickly around the cockpit I noticed that the flap lever was still set at 3 stages.
I had forgotten to retract the flaps after my full stop on the runway and failed to check them before takeoff, something I always do during a touch & go but forgot on this occasion (possibly due to a non-standard procedure and lack of visual cues at night). So I retracted the flaps in stages and was able to continue with a normal climb-out.
So I guess this is a "learn from my mistake" situation!