This occurred during S1FE1 which is the first flight test we sit. I did not fly for the entire practicum week before the test, so including the lecture weeks that means 3 weeks of not flying. I did fly a dual the day before my test. Whether that is current enough I do not know.
Everything was satisfactory so we headed back to Palmerston. Runway in use the day before my test was 25 and on test day 07 was in use. On my dual we had a university arrival for 25 so I did the briefing for that as part of TOD check. On the test day I had a long burn arrival for 07. Both arrivals pretty much means fly towards the threshold and achieve short finals (good airmanship to not clog up traffic).
On the test day passing Longburn I was recleared city arrival. I replied and started flying towards the city. I did another TOD check with the briefing but obviously it did not stick to my head. Combining with the mindset of 'straight in the runway', lack of flying and yesterdays straight in 25. Overhead the city I wanted to turn right for a left hand downwind for 25 despite 07 being in use. Obviously the examiner took control and stopped me, landed the aircraft too. How nice.
Things I will do differently with the experience I have now:
*Its good to do the checks (TOC/TOD etc), but actually think about what you are saying. (It is better on navs because you're on aerodromes you are unfamiliar with, but when its back in palmy you tend to be more relax.)
*Bug the DI with runway in use, if your arrow is pointing towards the runway you know you are sweet.
The second advice may seem obvious but it saved me from failing CPL. Being real stressed, changed runway and alot of traffic, on city arrival for a second I hesitated at knowing to turn left or right, bugging the DI solved that problem for me.