[In behalf of Rnadom, originally posted on 22 Oct 2008]
Back in 2007. I was doing some circuits on my second solo, the weather was OK, it was drizzling on 07 end of the runway, so when i got airborne, vis wasnt too good. However as far as i know, there wasnt anyone in the circuit other than me.
Flying on downwind, i was prepared to make my full stop landing. Tower had told me to continue downwind. So i did, and an instructor and his student were joining from the Southern Training Area. Runway 25 was in use, thus they had University Arrival i.e, track overhead university for LEFT Base Runway 25. On my part, i was looking out for them, but because of their aircraft being hidden in the background of mountains, i could not identify them. And tower had radioed me : Msy XXX, turn base. So i made a right base turn. As i got closer towards the extended runway centreline, I spotted the other aircraft. they were maybe 1 mile to my 1 o clock, we werent heading straight on, but we were definitely going in opposite directions.
I knew tower had told them that they were number 2 "behind" me, but because they were slightly to my right, I decided to make a sharp left steep turn to avoid them. Tower must have realised this incident and he told the other aircraft to continue turning Left Base and now he was number 1. Tower told me to join behind the aircraft for number 2.
This ended without incident, and when on the ground, the instructor and i communicated even though we did not point out who's fault it is, we know that we avoided a possibly dangerous moment. There wasnt any follow up to this incident. And tower must have felt it was not a serious incident and thus did not radio base to alert our managers.
- Rnadom.