24 hours air traffic simulations

[PEREZGONZALEZ Jose D (2008). 24 hours air traffic simulations. AviationKnowledge, 2009, page 1. ISSN 1179-6685.] >

The following videos depict air traffic at both global and regional levels. These depictions show the flight tracks of aircraft as they fly from origin to destination. Note the corridors of high density traffic as well as the shared points of origin and destination that represent different airports.

International air traffic

(Video embedded from YouTube on 17 December 2008 - version with added music)
The following video shows 24 hours of air traffic internationally. This simulation was created by Kart Rege and colleagues at the School of Engineering in Winterthur (Switzerland) (MuyInteresante, 20081), using real flight data. However, the simulation is neither a real-time nor an accurate depiction of actual flight paths, as the simulation shows all aircraft (yellow dots) flying at equal speed and following a direct path to their destination. Time was simulated as follows: shadowed areas represent night time and light areas represent day time.

US air traffic

(Video embedded from YouTube on 17 December 2008)
The following video shows 24 hours of air traffic in the United States of America.

UK air traffic

(Video embedded from YouTube on 17 December 2008)
The following video shows 24 hours of air traffic in the United Kingdom. The simulation is part of a documentary by the BBC.
1. MUYINTERESANTE (2008). Vídeo: 24 horas de tráfico aéreo. Retrieved from Muy Interesante on 17 December 2008.

Want to know more?

Watch international air traffic live in this website.


Jose D PEREZGONZALEZ (2008). School of Aviation, Massey University. New Zealand (JDPerezgonzalezJDPerezgonzalez).


Andrew SCHOOLER (2009). School of Aviation, Massey University, New Zealand (ASchoolerASchooler).
Melissa J PERRY (2009). School of Aviation, Massey University, New Zealand (MJPerryMJPerry).

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